Captain Papillon, a pirate, came to the library to sing sea shanties with the kids. He played the guitar and had special ways he wanted to sing the shanties. He called on a band of kid pirates to play instruments. Then he asked for volunteers to learn how to dance like a pirate. At the end of his program, he told a story about a different kind of pirate. Astronauts, who sailed out from the Earth into the uncharted seas of the moon looking for treasure and what they found was the treasure of the view of Earth from the moon. It was an engaging story and held the children and parent's attentions.
We had a show at 1pm in Laurel, another at 3:30pm in Ellisville, and a final show in Laurel at 6pm. I ran to a local restaurant to pick up his order before the 6pm show. I helped with the prize closet, took count of how many kids and adults were present and passed out treasure at the end of each show. I even got called on as a volunteer in the last show. I had to dance and sing!
Tuesday was tots. After shelving the books, I helped set up for the after reading activity, cleaned up, and picked up in-house books.
We had a show at 1pm in Laurel, another at 3:30pm in Ellisville, and a final show in Laurel at 6pm. I ran to a local restaurant to pick up his order before the 6pm show. I helped with the prize closet, took count of how many kids and adults were present and passed out treasure at the end of each show. I even got called on as a volunteer in the last show. I had to dance and sing!
Tuesday was tots. After shelving the books, I helped set up for the after reading activity, cleaned up, and picked up in-house books.
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